
Posts Tagged ‘Christmas’

It has been awhile since my last post and I just wanted to touch base with you all during this busy time of year!  I had planned on introducing some of my newer Christmas soaps and adding a new soap video to my youtube feed, but even with best laid plans…..

My laptop died an untimely death and thanks to my forgetting to back up my hard  drive for a couple of months, I lost important pics and video.  Bummer!  It took a few weeks to get a new computer and by the time I figured the new computer out and got back into the swing of things craft fair season and the holidays were well underway!

Hoping to retake some Christmas soap photos and some newer regular soap photos later in the month to show what will be available in the etsy store soon. (for soap store click here)

On top of making soap I have been tatting up a storm!  What is tatting you ask?  It’s not tattooing!  Tatting is  form of lace making that was pretty popular a hundred years ago or so.  It’s a neat little hobby and I love taking my tatting with me to craft fairs so I can tatt during the downtimes.  I was able to list a few tatted snowflakes on my GrammaVedora etsy store (Click here) and have sold some already.  I love how delicate they look.

Here’s a few photos of some tatting!


lacey tatted snowflakes

lacey tatted snowflakes

I have more photos but have to admit they’re not all downloaded onto the new computer yet. Visit my etsy stores to see soap and tatting photos!

Are you making your Christmas handmade? Even only part of it? Let me know and leave a comment!

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